Welcome to storiesfromwinecountry.com.
While there are many ways to appreciate a wine, its color, its fragrance, its taste, we believe that to truly appreciate a wine, it helps to know its story. Like a good wine, there are many dimensions to the story of a wine. You have the characters; the wine maker, the field hands, the people in the distribution chain, just to name a few. You have the setting; a farm, a region, a restaurant all can contribute to the story of a wine. Then you have the times; times of war, times of bad weather, times of bad economies, people struggle through these times and produce great wines. These are only a few of the elements that make great stories!
Sometimes a wonderful story begins when the bottle is uncorked. The wine can be part of a magnificent meal, an exotic evening, a wild night. Wines can evoke memories and passions and a passion for wine stories is what this site is all about.
James Nicas has been in the wine business for over 45 years and has traveled the world in search of great wines. In this site he shares his favorite stories of these wines in all their dimensions. We hope this enhances your own appreciation for the wine on your table.